Outreachy-Career opportunities

Hi all /ᐠ .ᆺ. ᐟ\ノ, this week's blog topic is about writing about your career preferences.

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I’m Sanyu Daver, an undergraduate at IIT BHU, Varanasi, India. I’m a naturally curious person, so I’m always learning about new technology and programming languages. I’m also learning competitive programming other than development. I enjoy contributing to open-source projects as I get the chance to communicate and a chance to look upon my mistakes. I've also participated in various hackathons that have helped me to develop a crucial ability to work in team environments. I enjoy listening and learning from my fellow team members and also sharing my ideas, thought processes, and knowledge.

I’m proficient in C++, JAVA, and SQL. I’ve worked with android MVVM architecture, Retrofit, and other android libraries. I use Ubuntu as my working environment and I use Android Studio, IntelliJ, and VS Code for my development projects.

I'm open to work as a Software Development Engineer in good-tech startups and companies. On top of that I'm also open to work as a concept artist.